Prerequisites for protecting files on network drives with Safetica 10

Information in this article applies to Safetica 10 or older.

When you need to tag files with Safetica 10 in order to apply DLP policies to these files, Safetica needs to have full access to these files. Since tagging is done at the endpoints by Safetica Client, the computer (user) that tags the files has to be able to access them with Read and Write priviledges.

This is especially important when tagging files on a network drive, where the following prerequisities need to be fulfilled:

  • the network drive has to have a NTFS file system
  • the network path (folder with files to be tagged) needs to be accessible to the computer/user that has assigned the tagging task
  • the folder and files have to have Read and Write priviledges assigned for the user that has assigned the tagging task

In case your tagging task for files on a network drive does not finish correctly (e.g. the number of tagged files is lower than expected), you can check these prerequisities directly from the specific endpoint, and with the specific user to verify that the access requirements are fulfilled.