How to set up exceptions for Safetica Client in your antivirus

To maintain proper functioning of Safetica Client, you may need to whitelist certain files, folders, and URLs in your antivirus software.

Information in this article applies to Safetica ONE 10 or older.

To ensure full compatibility and avoid possible conflict, we highly recommend keeping your system and antivirus software up to date and manually setting exceptions for the Safetica folders, processes, and URLs mentioned below.

In this article, you will learn more about:

Here you can find how to set the exceptions mentioned in this article in selected antivirus software:


Exceptions for Safetica services

If you are getting suspicious operations alerts from your antivirus regarding Safetica services such as STCservice.exe, STContentservice.exe, STEventservice.exe, or STAservice.exe, you can set them as allowed.


Exceptions for files and folders

Set these exceptions in your antivirus software:

For all systems:

General format Windows format


C:\Program Files\Safetica\

%programdata%\Safetica Client Services\

C:\ProgramData\Safetica Client Services\











%systemroot%\System32\drivers\fltenum.dll C:\Windows\System32\drivers\fltenum.dll

We are aware that exceptions for the %systemroot%\Temp folder are considered bad practice, but they are necessary for our existing product architecture.


For 64-bit systems:

General format Windows format







%systemroot%\SysWOW64\STInstallAgent.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64\STInstallAgent.dll


For 32-bit systems:

General format Windows format







%systemroot%\System32\STInstallAgent.dll C:\Windows\System32\STInstallAgent.dll


Exceptions for URLs

Set the following exceptions in your antivirus or firewall:

For Safetica NXT:


For endpoints:

Reason for exception URL
Sending statistics from endpoints
Sending statistics from endpoints


For Safetica ONE:

Reason for exception URL
Product updates
Definition updates (for Safetica 10.3 and older) (for Safetica 10.4+)

Updates of website and application categories
Sending statistics from endpoints


For WebSafetica:

Reason for exception URL
MDM communication
MDM communication


Exceptions we recommend adding to Sentinel ONE when MS Teams does not launch correctly

For Safetica:

Value Mode
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dc2drv.sys Interoperability
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\STEventService.exe Interoperability
C:\Program Files\Safetica Management Service\ Interoperability
C:\Program files\Safetica\ Interoperability


For MS Teams:

Value Mode
\Device\HarddiskVolume*\Program File*\Teams Installer\Teams.exe Interoperability
\Device\HarddiskVolume*\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\Update.exe Interoperability
\Device\HarddiskVolume*\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe Interoperability

What to do when setting exceptions does not help

If setting exceptions for folders, processes, or URLs in your antivirus or firewall does not solve your issue, please contact Safetica Support and submit the following information:

  1. The exact name and edition of your antivirus software - including the management console, endpoint application, etc.
  2. The version of your antivirus software.
  3. Screenshots and logs from your antivirus software from when the issue was detected or manifested itself.
  4. Export of your antivirus settings so that we can try reproducing the issue.
  5. The version of Safetica you are using.
  6. Logs from Safetica - STool etc.
  7. Your Safetica settings - DLP policies, Web control settings, etc.
  8. Issue description and how it manifests itself (e.g. a notification about something being detected, some files are deleted, etc.)
  9. Exact description of what the issue causes - whether injecting stops working, webpages can't load, DLP does not work, etc.