🍏macOS: How to collect troubleshooting logs on macOS devices locally

Learn how to collect troubleshooting logs from macOS devices locally.

Collection steps:

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Switch to verbose logging level by executing command:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup SetDebugLevelOverride true
  3. Unload Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup UnloadAllServices
  4. Load Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup LoadAllServices
  5. Reproduce the reported issue.
  6. Unload Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup UnloadAllServices
  7. Run troubleshooting log collection by executing the getlogs.sh script:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/getlogs.sh
  8. Open the folder /tmp folder with the command:
    open /tmp
  9. Collect the troubleshooting logs and upload them to our upload server https://upload.safetica.com. Remember to fill in the ticket ID into the upload form so the logs are assigned to the correct ticket. 
  10. Turn off the verbose logging:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup SetDebugLevelOverride false
  11. Load Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup LoadAllServices