1. Safetica

Collecting logs on MacOS

Learn how to collect Safetica logs from MacOS locally.

Collection steps:

  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Switch to verbose logging level by executing command:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup SetDebugLevelOverride true
  3. Unload Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup UnloadAllServices
  4. Load Safetica services:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup LoadAllServices
  5. Reproduce the reported issue
  6. Run Safetica log collection by executing the getlogs.sh script:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/getlogs.sh
  7. Open the folder /tmp folder with the command:
    open /tmp
  8. Gather the logs and upload them to our upload server https://upload.safetica.com. Do not forget to fill in the ticket ID into the upload form so the logs are assigned to the correct ticket. 
  9. Turn off the verbose logging by executing these commands one by one:
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup SetDebugLevelOverride false
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup UnloadAllServices
    sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Safetica/Tools/setup LoadAllServices