How to delete a data classification

Learn how to delete a data classification and what happens to policies that included them

To delete a data classification:

  1. Go to Data classifications and click the desired classification to open its detail.
  2.  Click Delete data classification at the bottom of the page.
  3. A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
  4. Retype the name of the data classification you want to delete and click Delete forever.


What happens to policies that included a deleted data classification?

If the data classification was included in any policies, the deletion dialog will list all of them as dependent policies. You can click them to display their detail.

  • If the policy includes multiple data classifications – the classification will be removed from the policy, but otherwise, the policy will stay as it is.
  • If the policy includes only the one data classification -  the policy will be disabled and broken after the classification is removed. To learn how to fix a broken policy, click here.


    Example:  A company has a policy that protects personal data defined in the Personal data classification. See what happens with the policy when the admin removes the classification.