Feature comparison between cloud-hosted Safetica and Safetica hosted on-premises

Learn in what details the feature sets of cloud-hosted and on-premises-hosted Safetica differ.

Article last updated: August 2024.


Safetica offers two hosting options: on-premises and in the cloud. They offer very similar feature sets, but differ in the following details:

✍️If you have any feature requests, please let us know at: feedback@safetica.com


Data classification

Feature On-premises Cloud

Safetica Unified Classification – combines content, context, file types, and the option to use existing 3rd-party data classification

Data-in-use and data-in-motion classification

Data discovery: data-at-rest classification

Predefined out-of-the-box data classifications

File content analysis

Context-aware detection

File type detection

Support for 3rd party classifications

OCR text detection in image files


Data loss prevention

Feature On-premises Cloud

Data-in-use and data-in-motion visibility

Data discovery: data-at-rest visibility

Configurable data incident mitigation
(log, user notification, block, override)

Company data destination management

Shadow copy for security incidents

Coming later


Insider risk management

Feature On-premises Cloud

Risk assessment and visibility

Coming later

Admin center

Coming later

User activity visibility across applications, websites, and external devices

Email traffic visibility

Application policies to control app usage

Website policies to control web visits

External device policies to control the use of external devices

Basic app and website categorization

Advanced app and website categorization 

(bulk management, custom categories, etc.)

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later


Cloud protection

Feature On-premises Cloud
Visibility of Exchange Online email communication (with and without attachments)
Control of Exchange Online email communication

Coming soon

Coming soon

Visibility of Microsoft 365 file operations and file sharing
(OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, etc.)

Control of Microsoft 365 file sharing
Microsoft 365 file operations and file sharing done on mobile and BYOD devices


Alerts and reports

Feature On-premises Cloud

Alerts about policy violations

New alert system

Alerts about risky operations

Coming later

Maintenance-related service alerts

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later

Summarizing informative alerts

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later

Basic scheduled reports

Advanced scheduled reports with customized layout

In Safetica Maintenance Console

Coming later

Security Audit Report 

Record exporting



Feature On-premises Cloud
Companion Safetica Maintenance Console for advanced maintenance use cases In Safetica Maintenance Console

Safetica server update

Not needed

Safetica server settings

In Safetica Maintenance Console

Not needed

Access rights and permissions

Basic Safetica Client deactivation

Advanced Safetica Client deactivation for individual components

In Safetica Maintenance Console Not needed

Advanced Safetica Client management

(process and folder hiding, user notification controls, record sending controls, etc.)

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later

Basic troubleshooting log collection

Advanced troubleshooting log collection

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later

View and edit license details

Coming soon

Change language and date/time format displayed in Safetica console

Advanced integration settings 

(Application and system integration, trusted servers, network certificate validation, external device exceptions, etc.)

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later


Data retention

Feature On-premises Cloud

Attaching and managing database archives

Not needed

Creating and managing new database archives

Coming soon

Not needed

Data record retention on cloud

Depends on server and database specifications

6-18 months depending on license



Feature On-premises Cloud

Azure Active Directory (Entra ID) integration

Active Directory integration

In Safetica Maintenance Console

We support AAD integration. If you can't use AAD, we support AD Bridge

SIEM integration

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later

Extended reporting: Data analysis tools integration (PowerBI, Tableau, etc.)

In Safetica Maintenance Console Coming later