Risk in cloud-hosted Safetica

❗For now, risk is only available in cloud-hosted Safetica. It is not yet available in Safetica hosted on-premises.

In this article, you will learn:


Intro: What is risk in Safetica

In cloud-hosted Safetica, each file operation is assigned risk based on how likely it is to cause a data leak. Safetica uses four risk levels when assessing the severity of each file operation: high, medium, low, or none. For example, sending data via email might be a low-risk operation, while uploading data from a network drive to webmail should be considered a high-risk operation.

What is risk good for?

  • Risk highlights file operations that are important to investigate.
  • Risk solves problems with too many records. With highlighted risk, admins can be sure they focus on real incidents and be less worried about overlooking something.
  • Risk helps with Safetica configuration (for example, what to add to safe or untrusted destinations).


Which factors influence risk

Risk is determined by Safetica smart analysis, and it is the combination of the following factors:

  • The operation occurred at an unusual time, outside the user’s regular activity period (risk increase). The user’s regular activity period is not fixed. Safetica considers every individual's personal activity period and factors in things like time zones or different work styles.
  • File contains sensitive data (risk increase).
  • File is considered “valuable” based on its extension (risk increase).
  • File is transferred using a risky application or website (risk increase). Apps and websites that are risky by default (the list is predefined and cannot be changed): remote access apps, alternative web browsers, data encryption apps, file hosting websites, illegal websites, proxy websites, FTP clients, screen capture apps, P2P file sharing apps, encrypted messaging apps, SSH clients, etc.
  • File is transferred to an untrusted destination (risk increase). Untrusted destinations can be set up by the admin in Data destinations. Destinations that are untrusted by default: facebook.com, tiktok.com, whatsapp.com, wetransfer.com, simplyhired.com, youtube.com, etc.
  • File is transferred to an uncommon destination that has otherwise been rarely used by the user or in the company in the last 30 days (risk increase). For example, if the company rarely uses USBs and suddenly a user copies a lot of data to a USB, it will be considered risky.
  • File is transferred to a destination that is considered safe (risk decrease). Safe destinations can be set up by the admin in Data destinations.


Where can I find info about risk

To see how risky individual file operations were, go to the Data section and look at the Risk column. Risk is indicated by colors:

   High risk 

    Medium risk

    Low risk



You can also filter out file operations based on their risk - click the Add filter button, select Risk, and then select High, Medium, Low, or None


To see the detailed reasons why a file operation was considered high, medium, or low-risk, you can:

  • Hover the mouse over the risk of that file operation:

  • Click the file to open its detail and go to the Risk analysis tab:


How to set up email alerts for risky operations

If you want to be informed about every operation that is considered risky in real-time, follow the steps mentioned here.