How to remove and assign licenses from users

Safetica utilizes user-based licensing to protect users who work with data. Learn how to assign and remove licenses from users to choose which users to protect.

The customers themselves decide which users they want to protect. These users are licensed, and the customer only pays for them.

In this article, you will learn:


How to remove licenses from selected users

If you want to leave selected users unlicensed and unprotected, you can do so by manually removing licenses from them and marking them as Unlicensed.

The actions of unlicensed users are not audited, they are displayed as unlicensed in the user tree, and they are not protected by policies.

To remove a license from a user:

  1. Go to the Users section in Safetica console.
  2. In the Users tab, select the users from whom you want to remove licenses and click Remove license.
  3. Confirm the removal in the dialog.
  4. The user will be moved into the Unlicensed tab. They won’t be protected by Safetica anymore.

The licensing of all users is highly recommended for the protection of your company's perimeter. So if you ever change your mind, just select a user in the Unlicensed tab and click Assign license.

After removing licenses from users, you can see that the number of available licenses increased in the Subscription and license management section.


How to assign a license to an unlicensed user

Assign a license to a user to start protecting them.

To assign a license to a user:

  1. Go to the Users section in Safetica console.
  2. In the Unlicensed tab, check the users to whom you want to assign licenses and click Assign license.
  3. The users will be moved into the Users tab.

After assigning licenses to users, you can see that the number of available licenses decreased in the Subscription and license management section.


Read next:

Users: Manage your users, their licenses, and teams

Subscription and license management

How licensing works in Safetica