How to update and uninstall Safetica Client

Learn how to update and uninstall Safetica Client on your devices.

In this article, you will learn:


How to update Safetica Client on your devices

You can update outdated Safetica Clients (highlighted with the yellow Outdated label) on selected devices right from Safetica console.

✍️Only devices in the Outdated state can be updated.

If you select multiple devices, those that are not in Outdated state will be ignored.

To update Safetica Client on selected devices to a new version:

  1. Go to Devices > Overview tab.
  2. You can filter out all Outdated devices by clicking Add filter > Status > Contains > Outdated.
  3. Select the device(s) on which you want to update Safetica Client. You can update one or more devices at once.
  4. Click Update.



How to uninstall Safetica Client from your devices

If you want to uninstall Safetica Client from selected devices:

  1. Go to Devices > Overview tab.
  2. Select the device(s) from which you want to uninstall Safetica Client. You can uninstall Safetica Client from one or more devices at once.
  3. Click Uninstall Safetica. Afterward, the uninstallation is scheduled.
  4. Restart the device after it shows the Waiting for restart status.

✍️Cloud-hosted Safetica: Safetica Clients will be automatically uninstalled from your devices after your Safetica environment is deleted. Your environment will be deleted when your subscription ends, or when you ask your Safetica partner to delete it.

❗If you are having trouble uninstalling Safetica Client via Safetica console, you can try to uninstall it locally from the problematic device. Learn more here (the article is only available for Safetica partners).



Q: How can I check that Safetica Client is properly uninstalled from a macOS device?
A: To check that Safetica Client is uninstalled from a macOS device, you can:

1. Go to System preferences Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access.

2. Check if the following services are present: STClassiTagger, STContentService, STCService, and STFileMonitor.

3. If they are not present, Safetica Client has been uninstalled from the device.