Be regularly informed about what is happening with data in your company. Learn how to create, disable, or download reports that can be sent via email.
In this article, you will learn about:
Introduction: How reports work
Reports allow you to automatically and regularly receive customized information from various sections of Safetica console. This is achieved by creating reports based on shared layouts.
Before creating a report
- Before creating a report, you must set up filters, columns, and groupings in the desired section of Safetica console and save them as a shared layout. Learn more about layouts here.
- Use these saved shared (and also predefined) layouts to define the specific data included in a report. This way, the admin can choose which customized info from individual sections of Safetica console will be part of the report.
In the Reports section, you can see a list of existing reports. You can also:
1. Create a new report: Choose the layouts to include in the report and set the desired interval for sending the report (daily, weekly, or monthly).
✍️Learn how to create a report here.
2. Enable or disable existing reports: Toggle the switch next to the report on or off.
3. Edit report settings: Click a report to reviews and modify its details.
4. Download reports: Retrieve the last generated report from the server. (The button will not be present if the report has not yet been generated.).
5. Customize columns: Adjust the columns displayed in the Reports section
✍️In the Layouts column, you will see a list of layouts included in each report. Learn more about layouts here.
Report permissions
Permissions for reports are as follows:
- View and download reports: All Safetica admins can view and download reports (no special permissions are needed).
- Create, modify, or delete reports: Only Safetica admins with the Reports and shared layouts permission can create, modify, and delete reports. The permission can be enabled or disabled in Settings > Accounts and permissions.
Troubleshooting: Resolving deleted layouts in reports
❗Receiving an empty report often idicates that all layouts included in the report were deleted. Go to Safetica console to fix and modify the affected report as needed.
Deleted layouts can no longer be included in reports.
Reports containing deleted layouts are marked with a red exclamation mark in the Reports > Layouts column.
How to fix deleted layouts in reports:
- Open the report detail: Click the affected report highlighted by the red explamation mark.
- View deleted layouts: In the Select layouts section, you will see deleted layouts highlighted with the Deleted layout label.
- Remove deleted layouts: Uncheck the checkbox next to the deleted layout to remove them from the report.
- Save the changes.
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