Understand web visits in your environment

Learn how to gain valuable insights into website visits in your company.


In the Websites section of Safetica, you can gain valuable insights into what websites were visited by users in your company. This article provides a brief overview of how charts, tiles, and the table can be used to filter and display information about the most visited websites, uncategorized websites, blocked websites, or website categories.

1. Charts and tiles

The charts and tiles in the Websites section serve as powerful tools to filter and display important information. Here's what you can do with them:

  • Top websites: The most popular websites in this chart are ordered by the total active time users spent on them. Click Show more to see all visited websites ordered by total active time in the table.

✍️What is active time? 

Safetica records time spent on a website only when a user is active on it. This includes clicking, typing, or moving their mouse in the active window. If a website is open in the background, Safetica doesn't record this. When the user stops performing any activity on the website, Safetica stops counting the active time after 5 minutes of inactivity. This is a default value that can be altered in Safetica Maintenance Console in Maintenance > Endpoint settings > Other settings by defining the Interval for the user's inactivity determination.

  • Audited websites: The number of unique visited websites.
  • Uncategorized websites: Click the Uncategorized websites tile to display all uncategorized websites in the table ordered by the total active time users spent on them.
  • Blocked websites: The number of unique blocked websites. Click the tile to see the details of all attempts to visit these blocked websites.
  • Websites by category: Display websites from the three most frequent website categories. Click the individual categories in the chart to filter them in the table and other tiles.



2. Websites tab

The Websites tab shows an overview of website visits in the company. Click a specific website to view its details, including the most active users, the category, and more. Learn more about leveraging details in Safetica here.

3. Per user tab

The Per user tab is more focused on users. You can check specific users and see what websites they visited. Values are aggregated, providing a general overview of each user's activities. You don’t see detailed records of when exactly they visited the websites, or how much time they spent there during working hours.

✍️To deep dive into user activities, you will need the UEBA add-on. In the Behavior > Website visits section, you will see very detailed info about how websites are visited by individual users, when, for how long, etc.

4. Web categories tab

In the Web categories tab, you can easily identify the website categories used in your company. Determine if many users use categories such as Social networks or Sports, etc., and make informed decisions about blocking certain categories.

5. Blocked activity tab

If you decided to block a website via your policies, all the attempts to visit such a website will be recorded in the Blocked activity tab. This way, you will identify policy violations and gain insight into who visited blocked websites. To learn more about policies in Safetica, click here.

If you decided to block an app via your policies, all the attempts to run such apps will be recorded in the Blocked activity tab. This way, you will identify policy violations and gain insights into who was running blocked applications. To learn more about policies in Safetica, click here.

❗The Blocked activity tab is only available to customers with Safetica Pro or Safetica Premium licenses.



Understanding website visits is crucial for maintaining a secure and productive work environment. The Websites section offers a user-friendly interface with charts, tiles, and a table, allowing you to analyze and manage app activities effectively. 


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