Accounts and permissions

See summary information about admin accounts that can access Safetica console.

Safetica allows you to add admin accounts for the console and assign them permissions to view records and modify settings.

In the Accounts and permissions section, you will find details of Safetica accounts that can sign in to the Safetica console. You can:

add new accounts.
see the account’s Full name - a user-friendly name you can add for each account; used throughout the console for better identification. Entering a Full name for an account is not required. If you do not enter it during account creation, you will see Not set in this column.
see the account’s Email address – it is entered when signing in.
see whether an account is enabled or disabled.
see a basic summary of what access permissions every account has.
see when an account was last signed in.

The Last sign-in column helps you decide whether a user is inactive and can be deleted.

You can also enable or disable existing accounts, or change account permissions.


Read next:

Accounts and permissions: How to add a new account

Accounts and permissions: How to disable or enable an account

Accounts and permissions: How to change account permissions


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